I have finally done it! 

I have finished my first womens fiction novel which is currently being showcased after being accepted on Kindle Scout. 

Having read hundreds of womens fiction and chick lit books over the years, especially whilst stretched out on a sunbed, waves lapping soothingly in the background, cocktail getting warm from the heat of the sun (ok, the glass was empty!) I felt confident a banging good read was within my very being, just sitting dormant ready to be poked and woken, ready to be created! 

Over many months and years a storyline was devised, added to, changed, rewritten, edited, re-edited and edited some more until 'What Goes Around Comes Around' finally arrived! 

Like an overdue pregnant elephant, the relief when the last page popped out of the printer resulted in me shedding a tear or two and sticking the kettle on for another top up of caffine!

But working when the moment took either during the day and often through the night on completion and after finishing rocking in the corner of the room, with an aching brain,  sore eyes and fingers worn to the quick through excessive typing, I simply knew I never wanted to do anything, but write! 

Writing is a bit like chickenpox!  You get the bug normally when a child, when your imagination is unspoilt and full of possibilities, where stories can be made up at the drop of hat and then it simply seems to disappear (luckily never permanently and a little always stays with you). 

Low and behold it then returns at another junction of your life!  This time it feels like welcoming back a long lost friend, as it leads you by the hand into a world full of different characters you have met before in your head and now are meeting again properly on paper!

'What Goes Around Comes Around' is a mixture of lessons life makes people attend as they walk through the corridors of experiences all packed within its pages.  It is about relationships and how they change when they get affected by different situations!  But above all, it is about Karma and the part she plays when people over step the mark with no consideration or care to the consequence of their selfish acts and uncalled for actions!

Being mega excited, I decided to create a blog and tell the world! 

Second thoughts perhaps not the whole world just;


and thats where you come in!  

So in order to make my dreams really a reality, please visit kindle scout and nominate me!

(if you do I will put in a good word with Karma, given I now know her so well!)

Follow the link and wave your wand by pressing the blue button for me!


Keep coming back to find out how the campaign is going and remember spread the word for 'What Goes Around Comes Around' by L K MAYNARD 

Bet you didnt realise what a fantastic person you were!  THANK YOU!


