Mustard is ‘Mustard’ and the phrase 'hot stuff' comes from the same notion!

A hot dog would never be the same without it! Roast beef cries out for it as the perfect accompaniment!

Whether you go for the yellow, English, sinus-clearing and pungent kick type, or the mellower European or American sort, it’s definitely a taste thing!

It is associated with vigour and enthusiasm adding both zest and flavour whilst bringing a bit of va va voom to otherwise mild and cuddly dishes, like cauliflower cheese (try it, its amazing!).

Did you know that Colman’s mustard was one of the few foods that wasn’t rationed during WWII because it was so good at livening up bland food?

Mustard's hot and zesty reputation isn’t limited to food – it is healthy too  Its seeds are full of nutrients and antioxidants. They contain selenium, omega-3 and 6, potassium, magnesium and calcium, have anti-inflammatory properties and also speed up the metabolism and lower blood pressure.

Before people began eating mustard, it was used for medicinal purposes.

French monks were known to use mustard to treat their wounds while Greeks used it to relieve muscles, cure toothaches and stimulate appetite and digestion.

A mustard bath is a traditional therapeutic remedy for tired, stressed muscles, colds, fevers and seizures.

The mustard was thought to draw out toxins and warm the muscles, blood and body. It was a standard medical practice up until the first part of the twentieth century and continues to be used in alternative medicine.

Mustard seeds are an excellent source of selenium, a trace element that is also thought to have an anti-cancer effect.

The mustard plant, like broccoli, radish and cabbage, belongs to the brassica family, a group of vegetables that contain health-promoting glucosinolates.

You can eat every part of the mustard plant. The leaves can be used in salads and soups and oil can be made from the seeds.

Mustard is also a low-calorie, low-sugar alternative to other condiments, and makes a great addition to some of your favourite foods

Mustard, and mustard seed, is an indispensable ingredient in any cook's cupboards and if you find mustard too strong, try cooking with it as it reduces its pungency.

It gets its bright yellow colour from turmeric.

Did you know Mustard was first recorded as being prepared by weathy Romans, who mixed wine and mustard seeds and added it to their meals?


Did you know in ancient Egypt mustard seeds were thrown into King Tut’s tomb at his funeral as they were thought to bring good fortune in the next life?

 Did you know it is traditional for German brides to sew mustard seeds into the hem of their wedding dresses to assure their dominance in the household?


As you can put it on almost anything so make August 4th Hot Hot Hot!