IN THE WAR.......

At the café Lewis asks if everyone agreed it had been the wrong song backed up by Pamela’s contribution of it had not fit the brief.

Remove any cutlery as Marianne gets the knives out aiming them straight at Thomas who is the person, she feels should take the blame by his 50/50 commission split approach.  Probably not the best time to remind Marianne that Thomas had not taken her hostage and she had gone along with it – in fact she had agreed!

Pamela questions who ever gives business at 50% - clearly people who want pillows Pam – keep up!

Marianne states Thomas is Thomas – its amazing her insightfulness – no wonder she got through thousands of applications to appear on the show!

Thomas feels Lewis is at fault by starting off higher than the amount on the table and still not coming away with anything!

Having had a strong coffee and pack of hobnobs to share, Lord Sugar is ready for the famous four to return clarifying at least one of them will go – no surprises there!

In recapping the sorry state of affairs, he confirms Lewis and Pamela had got the brief where the client told them what they wanted and yet the song was a bit depressing and completely the opposite.  He told Lewis he had alienated the guy who even though a budget had been given, Lewis had started off at 85k, much higher.

Lewis said that had been method behind his reasoning to go in higher (which he didn’t share) as Lord Sugar was quick to sum up how the client had felt – ‘Didn’t like the music and didn’t like your attitude!’

He went on to accuse Marianne and Thomas of butchering the song and his lyrics which Marianne felt had been necessary to make it more marketable.

Confucius Claude pipes up with ‘That was the point of the remix!’ – Love Claude!

Marianne felt it had been a difficult song to make marketable to which Lord Sugar shared ‘If you were a busker singing that song, I would take some money out of the hat!’

He asked; ‘Where does the fault lie?’ Thomas, she states, Thomas in retaliation states Lewis who went to a corporate meeting and insulted them.

Normally Lord Sugar asked the PM to decide who to bring back, but as only 4 he requested all 4 to step outside whilst they got the custard creams out!

In summary between Karen and Claude they felt Lewis showed incredible naivety, Pamela whilst bright and capable didn’t seem to realise it’s was her opportunity to demonstrate that.  It was Thomas’s 9th week with 8 losses and if he had been a bit more careful, he might have had better results and Marianne could not manage Thomas instead he railroaded her.

The candidates returned and not a crumb to be seen on the boardroom table.

Lord Sugar greeted them sternly referring to them as Ladies and Gentlemen (where?) but not wishing to harp on about the task any more he wanted them to know that even though the 9th week, in his opinion no one was stepping up at all and wanted to take this opportunity to remind them that one of them potentially could be his business partner.

First Pam’s turn where Lord Sugar told her he was sick and tired of looking at her (bit rude) and all her ducking and diving and letting the shit hit the fan - No point arguing Pam just deal with it!

He wanted to know from Lewis what his business idea was and Lewis gave the answer Travel (Bit broad) Lord Sugar wanted to know what he knew about travel and Lewis reassured him he had spent a lot of time in travel when he was younger (Bit broad).

Asking Thomas, the same question his was very simple; Pillows but didn’t have the money to take it forward.

He asked Marianne the same and she said something about being a broker and expanding to the UK (to be honest Bit Bored!)

Who should he fire?

Marianne described Thomas as a blessing and a curse but proved more of a curse through forcing his ideas - Can no one in this process say No?

Pamela felt as Marianne had been in the bottom three a couple of times she should go.

It was time for Lord Sugar to tell them all to be quiet and summarise;

‘Thomas, I like you, you say it as it is but have to take into account 8 losses in 9 tasks.  If this was a war in the trenches who would I take no doubt about it – Thomas!  Thomas it saddens me, has been nice being associated with you and hope you have picked up a lot of stuff from this process about yourself.  I wish you well, but it is with regret YOURE FIRED!

Thomas who has loved every task regardless of losing replied that he really enjoyed himself!

Lord Sugar said he felt that this was the saddest of this process because basically Thomas was a nice guy, but he had to see who he could go into business with.

Lewis’s turn – ‘You think your impenetrable - but you’re not!’

Marianne I am trying to think about you as a business partner – Marianne goes to talk – ‘Don’t want to hear anymore!

Lord Sugar returns to his summing up - ‘Pamela I’ve been saying to you, you have to step up - I said it at the beginning and saying it now – I don’t know!

Marianne, I think it’s the end of the road, as far as I’m concerned, I can’t see myself going into business with you, so Marianne YOURE FIRED!

Pamela like it or not you are going to be the PM on the nest task

Happily, lord sugar – he replied We will see about happily

Go back to the house

Marianne admitted that she had been more out of her element in this process than ever in her life and Thomas was gutted not to be in the final but wished everyone that was good luck.

Back at the house Dean was certain Thomas would be coming back and everyone seemed sad to learn that he had really gone but as Pam said he got the best send off

6 candidates remain!