This is the day where legally you can play jokes on your friends, family and work colleagues and have a built-in excuse.  Here are some pranks you can play on people with very little effort, yet still reap much joy out of the end results and if you’re too late or not organised today then enter something from the list below and pop it into your calendar for next year and be prepared!

  • Borrow someone’s mobile & change the language setting to something new or change the language setting on your loved one’s laptop
  • Change your outfit every hour and act like nothing’s different.
  • Replace biscuit fillings with toothpaste
  • Put mayo in the doughnuts.
  • Play a prank on your family members by placing a small piece of clear Sellotape over the sensors on the TV box and remote control and watch everyone panic that there will be no TV!
  • Cup some water in your hand before pretending to sneeze on the back of someone’s head.
  • For another quick and easy trick, turn the TV up really loud the night before so the first person who turns it on in the morning will get the fright of their life!
  • Leave ransom notes for items you have taken from different people
  • Blue tack the phone into its cradle.
  • Cover the toilet seat with clingfilm.
  • Glue any remaining eggs into their cardboard carton.
  • Hard boil all the eggs and put them back into their cardboard carton
  • Add food colouring to milk
  • When everyone's gone to bed turn as many things as you can upside including framed pictures, clocks, chairs and toys. When your family wake up in the morning they will do a double-take and wonder what has happened.
  • Download a good picture of a cracked screen and set it as their screensaver so they think they've broken it!
  • Set all clocks an hour ahead and watch as they rush to get ready while you know they have plenty of time!
  • Changed all the contacts on their phone to characters in Harry Potter
  • All you need to do is put some Vaseline on a door knob to make it extra slippery.
  • Leave a note on someone’s car apologising for an accident that never actually happened.
  • Put plastic wrap around the door frame of a commonly used door
  • Leave cryptic notes warning someone of an impending prank then do nothing all day.
  • Place a fake head in the bed of your victim
  • Put food colouring in the hand soap dispenser.
  • Hide an alarm clock and set it for 3:00 a.m. put it into your teenagers.
  • Cover your victim's car with post-it notes.
  • Add several odd appointments with alarms set to go off during the day in your partners Outlook calendar.
  • Place a plastic head in a jar and leave in the fridge.
  • Add baking soda to ketchup.
  • Wrap up their favourite chair.
  • Make ice cream out of mashed potatoes and gravy.
  • Hide in a box is almost always a winner...
  • Peel some onions and stick a lollipop stick in the centre of the core, then cover them with toffee so that they look like toffee apples
  • Get yourself some black card and a pencil. Then draw out some bugs - beetle and large spider shapes will work better for this because they're quite fat and are easier to draw.  Once you have your drawings cut them out and stick them on the inside of a lampshade.
  • Combine soya sauce and Sprite to make Diet Coke
  • Paint the tips of pens and pencils with clear nail polish so none of them work.
  • Paint a bar of soap completely with clear nail polish so it won’t lathe
  • If at work swap the signs on the men’s and ladies’ toilets
  • Place a ‘house for sale’ ad in the newspaper for someone’s home
  • Hide sickly scented air fresheners all over the house.
  • Wrap some cooked kippers in tin foil and it down the back of a radiator of your victim
  • Add food colouring to the windscreen washer fluid of someone’s car.
  • Switch around random keys on someone’s keyboard
  • Plant cress in their keyboard classic.
  • Switch the Push and Pull signs on a set of doors.
  • Dip the tips of someone’s cigarettes in Bonjela to make their lips go numb.
  • Hide all of the desktop icons on someone’s computer and replace the monitor’s wallpaper with a screen-shot of their desktop.
  • Put a balloon on the tailpipe of a someone’s car so it will pop when they start their car.
  • Take the door knob off a door and put it back on backwards, then lock it and leave the door open...
  • Turn every setting in someone’s car to the maximum: the heat, the radio, the wipers, the seats, etc.
  • Place a small piece of Post-it note over the ball under someone’s computer mouse so that it won’t work.
  • Switch the handles on the fridge to the side that doesn’t open.
  • Conference call two people then don’t say anything, just listen..
  • Hide a small radio near to someone and turn it on very softly.
  • Fill a hair-dryer with talcum powder.
  • Pour vegetable oil on the exhaust of someone’s car so it will smoke when started up.
  • Rearrange somebody’s drawers or file cabinets in a different order.
  • Put an ad in the local paper for a garage sale at someone’s house beginning at 6 a.m.


I am sure this list will continue to grow, so don’t forget to come back and visit for some more tips!