"Digging" - A very deep poem....

National Poetry Day - October 7th

"I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud,"

“Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone”

“She walks in beauty, like the night”

“The Owl and the Pussycat went to sea”

“And it was at this age ... Poetry arrived”


So, when does poetry arrive – does it ever and what makes a good poet with words referred to and remembered for years to come?


poetryliterature that evokes a concentrated imaginative awareness of experience or a specific emotional response through language chosen and arranged for its meaning, sound, and rhythm.

Poetry is very flexible.  It is a powerful form of expression. Poetry should move us, make us think, even make us laugh It can also inspire us and motivate us! There are many different types and each type of poetry has its own unique style and structure, which can make it both fun and challenging to write

Subject Matter

Anything goes… it’s about a connection with the reader which could be a personal experience, interests or obsessions, impulses – all poetry has messages to impart – the theme and content can arrive out of nowhere and turn into something special.  It may derive out of seeing or hearing something that triggers a thought and then becomes a reality as words begin to spill onto a blank page.

Its not what you do it’s the way that you do it….no matter what the subject matter the engagement from the writer must stimulate curiosity to continue allowing the words, the message behind them which sometimes is concealed and the journey from start to finish to provide meaning/an association to be absorbed, digested, and enjoyed

Where to begin? – from your ideas write down as many associated words or memories or thoughts connected to identify your subject – play around with sentences and read aloud what you write listening to the rhythm of the words – how they sound.  Have a break and return with fresh eyes and potential different thoughts.  Edit, amend, and adjust until they tell your story, relay the memory, become the visual representation of your thoughts, feelings, energy, releasing your creativity and writing possibilities and potential

What’s your type?  There are many different types of poetry, each with its own unique features and beauty. One of the most popular forms of poetry is the long poem. Long poems can be written on any subject and can take any form, from a traditional rhyming verse to a more modern free-form style.

Another popular type of poetry is the English sonnet. The English sonnet consists of fourteen lines of iambic pentameter, with a rhyme scheme of ABAB CDCD EFEF GG. Sonnets often explore themes of love, loss, and time. Other common types of poetry include haiku, ghazals, and odes. Haiku are short Japanese poems that typically consist of seventeen syllables arranged in three lines of five, seven, and five syllables respectively.

Ghazals are Persian poems that consist of couplets that rhyme and have the same metre. Odes are poetic works that praise or celebrate a particular subject, such as nature or love. No matter what type of poetry you enjoy, there is sure to be a poem out there that speaks to you.

Dedication’s what you need - What matters is that you write every day and share your work to gain feedback. Poetry can let us realise we can achieve great things and encourage us to think big and be ambitious – why not give it a try? 


Did you know?......

‘Metrophobia’ is the name for a fear of poetry.

‘Metromania’ denotes the compulsion to write poetry.

The word ‘bitch’ was first used in reference to a man in a poem from around 1500.

The oldest poem in English is” Beowulf”! It was written in the 8th century!